Skunks are often drawn to cities and suburbs because of their strong smell and unique black and white marks. When these animals decide to make your land their home, they can cause problems, even though they might not seem dangerous at first. For those who have found skunks on their land, it’s important to take action right away instead of just trying to keep them out. You can learn about skunks’ habits, how to find them, and how to get rid of them from your property by reading this book.
Figuring Out How Skunks Act
Understanding how skunks act is important before you do anything:
- Nocturnal Animals: Skunks are mainly nocturnal, which means they are most active at night. This behavior makes it less likely that you will see them during the day.
- Skunks are opportunistic omnivores, which means they eat a lot of different things. They like living in cities and suburbs because they can eat bugs, small mammals, fruits, veggies, and even human waste.
- Burrowing and Denning: Skunks like to hide under sheds, decks, porches, and even in animal dens that have been left empty. In these places, they often build dens to rest, raise their young, and stay safe from the weather.
Detecting the Presence of Skunks
When you think skunks might be on your property, look out for these signs:
- Sightings: If you see skunks on your property a lot, especially at night, it may be a clear sign that they are there.
- Skunk Odour: Skunk spray has a strong smell that can be used to spot it. If you smell the smell a lot, it means that skunks may be close.
- Skunks are known to damage lawns and plants by digging in them to find bugs and grubs. If your yard or garden has damage like soil that has been turned over or small holes, it may have been caused by skunks.
- Disturbance to Trash: Skunks are drawn to human trash. Skunks may be looking for food if you find trash cans on the ground or trash cans that have been turned over.
Effective Removal of Skunks
Once you know for sure that skunks are on your property, follow these steps to get rid of them in a safe and gentle way:
- Find Possible Den Sites: Carefully look over your property for possible den sites, such as gaps under sheds and decks. These places are often used by skunks as dens. Skunks can’t get into their home if the holes are closed off with hardware cloth or heavy-gauge wire mesh.
- Set up lights that turn on when something moves. Skunks are easily scared by quick movements and bright lights. Putting up lights that turn on when they sense movement around your home can scare them away.
- Get rid of food sources: Skunks will be less likely to come to your property if you get rid of food sources they could use. Make sure the lids on your trash cans are tight, and don’t leave pet food or rotting fruit out for people to find.
- Consider Hiring a Professional: If the skunk problem is big or hard to handle, it’s a good idea to talk to a professional wildlife removal service. They know how to look at your case and give you advice on how to get rid of the animal in a safe and humane way.
How to Handle Skunk Encounters
It’s important to be careful around skunks if you come across them while dealing with the situation:
- Keep your distance: Skunks are usually not mean, but they may spray if they feel threatened. Stay away from them and give them room to move.
- Deodorization Methods: If a skunk sprays you, your pet, or your property, there are a number of deodorizing methods you can use at home. Some of these are hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and liquid soap mixed together, as well as store-bought skunk odour eliminators.
- Professional Help: If you see a skunk that looks hurt or upset, you should call animal control or a wildlife rescue center in your area for help. Do not try to handle the skunk yourself.
In conclusion, if you have skunks on your land, the best thing to do is get rid of them before you think about how to keep them out. By learning about how they act, spotting signs that they are there, and using the right methods for getting rid of them, you can live peacefully with these unique animals in your city or neighbourhood.
At Skunk Control Barrie, guarantees complete skunk removal using industry-standard methods that have been time-tested on numerous cases before and are approved by the federal and provincial governments.